CRM (Customer-Relationship-Management, Kundenbeziehungsmanagement), bezeichnet eine Strategie zur systematischen Gestaltung aller Beziehungen und Interaktionen Ihres Unternehmens mit bestehenden und potenziellen Kunden. Durch wird CRM-System eine gezielte und personalisierte Kundenpflege unterstützt.Natürlich…

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Virtual Reality vs. Augmented Reality
As marketing professionals in the experiential world, we have become accustomed to the idea of an ever evolving industry. Brands today are moving away from purely face to face physical…

The Privilege of Taking Risks
‘Why It’s Worth Taking Risks’, was a platform for an enriching two-way conversation between the audience and four speakers. The discussion was almost entirely centered on “knowing that the world…

How Brands Approach New Social Platforms
When it comes to new social platforms, a brand can feel a bit like a kid in a candy store: think Instagram, think Pinterest, think Snapchat. Every day, developers submit…

4 Ways Brand Can Win on Snapchat
Snapchat is raw, candid, and in-the-moment social media, when Facebook and Instagram are highly polished and edited. Snapchat offers a fair share of challenges for brands looking to jump on…

New Social Platforms
With that notion in mind, our team of professional WordPress coders has been working day and night to roll out a definitive collection of built-in WordPress plugins, that come with…